AvaLonux, PhotaLonux, BookaLonux...

A Blog about...., Art, various Linux OS that I am stuffing my portable computer with, Photography in general and I am reading : La vampa d'agosto by Andrea Camilleri.

jeudi, février 02, 2006

I have a dream.....

I have a dream, I would like to get my lotto numbers to match the ones, you know, the ones that look like the ones that make your bank account look similar to a millionare.
Linux is on vacation, under my bed...., so I face a new month without getting a PCMCIA sindrome, that makes me want to put my portable pc into the microwave oven. To keep safe I am using my macintosh, don't know yet how to screw that one up and fill it up with linux and grub and lilo.....
So how about the lotto? That would save this month and maby also this year. You know its the year of the dog? Sounds scary to me. Hope I am one lucky DOG !!!

adopt your own virtual pet!